Batman the Animated Series Harley Quinn Wiki

Batman the Animated Series Harley Quinn Wiki

"Face it, Harl, this stinks! You're a certified nutso wanted in twelve states and hopelessly in honey with a psychopathic clown. At what signal did my life become Looney Tunes? How did information technology happen? Who's to arraign?... Batman, that's who. Batman! Information technology's ever been Batman! Ruining my life, spoiling my fun! Coming between me and my Puddin' from the very beginning..." [1]

Harley Quinn, real name Harleen Quinzel, was the sidekick and on-off girlfriend of the Joker. She occasionally struck out on her own, and oftentimes served as a companion and accomplice to Poison Ivy.



A once sane Harleen Quinzel.

Harleen Quinzel was in one case a career-oriented psychiatrist [7] whose life took a radical turn when she chose to spend a semester interning at Arkham Asylum. Upon meeting Dr. Joan Leland for the kickoff fourth dimension, the more than senior doctor warned the eager and vastly inexperienced Harleen to be careful around the inmates. Originally drawn to the "glamor" of the inmates, she was unexpectedly intrigued by the Joker.

Joker shows Harleen Quinzel an unknown side.

She organized regular therapy sessions with him, during which the Joker manipulated the inexperienced Harleen by telling her tales of a barbarous father and an abusive childhood, mixed in with his early on attempts at comedy. He fabricated her express joy as much as he fabricated her cry, and she fell hopelessly in dearest with him largely based on sympathy. This led her to develop an irrational hatred for Batman, whom she believed to be the truthful villain.

One dark, after the Joker's well-nigh recent escape and re-capture by Batman, Quinzel snapped and resolved to gratuitous her love Joker and run off with him, adopted the clownish persona of Harley Quinn. [one] Thereafter, she became his semi-constant companion and lover. Their volatile relationship often led to her leaving him or getting kicked out by the Joker, merely ever ended up going dorsum to him in the end. For the Joker's function, while he had found her to be an badgerer some of the time, he was able to skillfully manipulate her to serve his needs. As a result of her criminal activities with the Joker, she also ended up being wanted in at least twelve American States.

Criminal career

Harley'south first known human activity was to assist Joker in attempting to assassinate James Gordon, by planting a bomb at his testimonial dinner. Batman subdued her afterwards a brief fight. After that, she was an accomplice in most all of Joker's criminal schemes. [8]

In addation she would help take Sid out when Joker thought he killed Batman.

Sometimes, she would be kicked out of the gang when Joker'due south temper got the better of him. On one of these occasions, she teamed upwardly with Poisonous substance Ivy, and the 2 became shut friends and a successful criminal offence duo. [6]

During one of her alone stints in Arkham, Batman offered her a pardon if she would help him track down Joker, who had stolen a nuclear bomb. She did so, though in a crazy, roundabout way that ended upwards being nigh as dangerous to Batman and Robin. [seven]

Later on being pronounced rehabilitated by the doctors at Arkham, Harley was paroled, but her hyperactive personality and unfamiliarity with the "real" world led to an barrage of trouble that led to her unintentionally kidnapping Veronica Vreeland and being simultaneously pursued past Batman, Gotham gangsters, and the U.S. Regular army. She was returned to Arkham yet again, though Batman was more sympathetic to her, understanding how bad a day gone wrong could exist. [ix]

Unfortunately, Harley did not take much luck at being rehabilitated once again and eventually returned to being the Joker'south girl. However, later on an incident involving Commissioner Gordon was botched, Harley began to re-examine her life. Realizing in a crazed manner that Batman was the cause of the Joker's obsession, Harley devised a programme to capture him. Much to the surprise of Batman and the Joker, her plan not simply worked, but according to Batman was more than probable to kill him than anything the Joker had always devised before. Nonetheless, Batman managed to escape by convincing Harley to telephone call the Joker for approval, knowing the Joker would be furious at the idea of anyone other than him killing that Dark Knight.

Every bit expected, the Joker was furious and threw Harley out of a window, nearly killing her and released Batman. Recovering in Arkham, Harley seemingly finally realized the Joker would never truly dearest her and was nothing more than an insane killer, but she returned to her hapless devotion to him upon seeing a single rose in a vase from him by her bedside tabular array with a annotation wishing her well and a speedy recovery. [one]

Harley afterwards claimed that she and the Joker had been to couples counseling. It didn't seem to help much, however, as it didn't take long for Batman to convince her that the Clown Prince of Law-breaking was replacing her with Ace as his new sidekick. Enraged, Harley went to confront her "puddin'", who immediately sugariness-talked her back over to his side. Immediately afterward, he viciously backhanded her considering she had unwittingly led Batman right to his location, which had been the Dark Knight's program all along. [x]

Later life

Harley'south concluding human activity assisting the Joker was in capturing and torturing Robin into insanity, then adopting him every bit their "son", J.J. While Batman pursued Joker, Harley fought with Batgirl in the ruins of Arkham. During the fight, Harley expressed slight remorse in what Joker did to Robin, but stated that she would brand things right. Later, both women toppled into a deep pit. Batgirl managed to grab concord of a ledge, and tried to pull Harley upwards, but her sleeve tore, and Harley seemingly roughshod to her expiry. [4] At some bespeak, Batman managed to larn Quinn's outfit, and was kept and displayed in the Batcave until the villainess Inque tore information technology in a moment of rage while facing Bruce Wayne and his successor. [xi]

"Suspension a grandmother's heart! I promise they throw the volume at you!"

With no trunk ever recovered, Barbara Gordon suspected that Harley may take survived, but she never resurfaced again. Turns out, Harley had really survived the fall. Without the Joker around, she apparently gave up her criminal career and, at some betoken, mothered at least one child, who in turn gave her at least 2 grandchildren, the Dee Dee twins, Delia and Deirdre Dennis. After getting arrested for assisting the returned Joker in his plan to control a weapons satellite, the twins were chastised for what disappointments they were by their "Nana Harley", who was appalled that they had turned to crime and worked with the Joker. [4]


Human relationship with the Joker

Despite being head over heels for her "Mr. J", Harley'southward relationship with the Joker was an unstable one, based on manipulation and abuse past the Joker. At various times, she explained her feelings for him as sympathy for his supposedly abusive babyhood (a story Batman dismissed as a lie, as he knew the Joker better than Harley herself), tender feelings based on their therapy sessions, or simply that he fabricated her life fun subsequently a stressful career as a psychiatrist.

Whatever her reasons were, Harley'southward devotion could not have been more 1-sided - the Joker rarely showed any genuine affection for her, and frequently insulted and abused her, peculiarly when she "upstaged" him. For the near part, the Joker but found her a useful accomplice, and was oft surprised past the depth of her devotion. At one betoken, he actually seemed to feel affection for her, after she demonstrated that she had enough "guts" to endeavour to shoot him. [seven] However, these instances were few and far between, and he would soon become right back to verbally and physically abusing her.

Occasionally she would pause away from him, but these moments of clarity never lasted very long, and but even the most disingenuous give-and-take of affection from the Joker was plenty to bring her dorsum. [half dozen] [1] [7]

Relationship with others

Harley and Ivy, out to take a piffling fun.

Harley had an on-again, off-once more friendship/partnership with Poison Ivy, with whom she worked well. Poison Ivy has always had a soft-spot for Harley, often stating that that Quinn has no demand for Joker. Nevertheless, Harley never seemed to take that Ivy was right, and would often obsess over him. This along, with her flaky personality would often cause Ivy great badgerer, but never to the point that she would sever ties with Harley.

Harley's feelings toward Batman were similarly conflicted. Almost of the fourth dimension, he was her enemy, which was natural, given that he was Joker's enemy. Sometimes, she even blamed Batman for Joker'south abusiveness toward her, equally well equally trying to kill him, feeling that Batman's interference was what kept them from living a "normal" life.

Yet on one occasion, she recognized that Batman was one of the few people who didn't think she was hopelessly insane, and who had done his best to help her. [9] Ironically, Harley was able to practice the one matter Joker never could: Make Batman express joy. [ane]

Harley was the primary caretaker for Bud and Lou, the pair of hyenas the Joker endemic, whom she affectionately referred to as her "babies".

Abilities and equipment

Harley Quinn possessed higher up-average agility and fighting skills. She was an Olympic-level gymnast and acrobat.

Harley also carried an assortment of clown-themed tools, although they rarely proved effective. [vii] 1 of her signature weapons is an oversized, wooden mallet which she swings around with surprising skill despite its unwieldy appearance. Another weapon in her arsenal is an oversized revolver with a cork in the barrel. The cork usually contains ropes to tie people up or knockout gas.

Unlike the Joker, Harley could likewise act sane long plenty to appear in disguise every bit a "normal" person. (She even got paroled from Arkham Asylum once). Harley's impersonations included a security guard [8] and a lawyer. [12] A unlike security baby-sit disguise was actually enough to become approval to guard the Joker solitary during a police transport. [13] Due to Harley's charisma and psychiatric preparation, she is also good at psychologically manipulating others.

Early on in their partnership, Poison Ivy injected Harley with a toxin antidote, which rendered her allowed to sure chemicals and diseases, [half-dozen] and had the side effect of enhancing her strength and stamina, allowing her to survive commonly fatal accidents. [1] [iv]

Groundwork information

Harley Quinn was created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, based on (and created for) Dini's friend Arleen Sorkin, who provided the character'southward vox. [14] "Remarkably", Dini jokes, "she still speaks to me".

The character was so popular that she was eventually incorporated into the DC Comics universe.

Early episodes of Batman: The Animated Serial such equally "Harlequinade" hinted at her backstory, describing her as a serious clinical psychiatrist who was "rescued" from her boring life by Joker. "Mad Love" was the start full exploration of Harley'due south origins, portraying her as more flaky, whose career as a psychiatrist was still undeveloped when she cruel for Joker. Some details of "Mad Dearest" are fleshed out in the comic the episode is based on, also written by Dini and Timm.

Of Harley'south human relationship with the Joker, Dini writes:

" Bruce, Eric, Alan and I agreed that while we never wanted to delve too securely into the rotting offal that passes as the Joker's soul, we did want to broaden the graphic symbol a bit. One way we humanized the least human of Batman'southward enemies was to put him in a relationship with a adult female who, for whatsoever reasons, adores him. "

Mark Hamill added:

" Expressing emotion in any fashion that's real and meaningful is alien to the Joker, simply he's learning those parts of himself, however unconsciously, through Harley. On a physical level they're dynamite together. A lot of relationships are divers past that. Two people may be really horrible for each other, just physically they push button each other's buttons so clearly they can't get enough of that person. "

Says Arleen Sorkin:

" Everyone else sees the Joker laugh, but Harley has always seen him weep. It's the but reason she stays with him. "

The producers have confirmed that it was Poisonous substance Ivy's stamina inducer that allowed Harley to survive the falls in The New Batman Adventures episode "Mad Dearest" and the feature film Batman Beyond: Render of the Joker and to survive into sometime historic period.

Motion-picture show director Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma) was so taken with the character that he named his newborn girl Harley Quinn Smith (b. 26 June, 1999), who appears with several DCAU regulars (including Kevin Conroy, Marking Hamill, Susan Eisenberg and Diedrich Bader) in the Netflix animated serial Masters of the Universe: Revelation.


See also


  1. i.0 1.i 1.2 i.iii 1.4 ane.v one.6 Dini, Paul (writer) & Dini, Paul, Timm, Bruce (story) & Lukic, Butch (director) (January 16, 1999). "Mad Dearest". The New Batman Adventures . Episode 11 (airdate). Episode 21 (production). Season 2. Kids WB!.
  2. Uncredited writer & Uncredited manager (June nineteen, 2001). "Miss United nations-Congeniality". Gotham Girls . Season 2. Episode 13 (airdate). Episode 13 (production). WB Network.
  3. Dini, Paul (writer) & Uncredited director (January 25, 2003). "Difficult as Nails". Static Shock . Season three. Episode 1 (airdate). Episode 27 (production). Kids WB!.
  4. four.0 4.1 4.2 iv.3 4.four Burnett, A., Dini, P., Timm, B., Murakami, One thousand. (Producers), & Geda, C. (Managing director). (2000). Batman Across: Return of the Joker . United states: Warner Bros. Animation.
  6. 6.0 6.1 half dozen.2 6.3 Dini, Paul (writer) & Kirkland, Boyd (director) (January eighteen, 1993). "Harley and Ivy". Batman: The Blithe Serial . Season 1. Episode 47 (airdate). Episode 56 (product). Play a joke on Kids.
  7. 7.0 7.1 vii.2 7.three vii.4 7.5 Dini, Paul (writer) & Altieri, Kevin (managing director) (May 23, 1994). "Harlequinade". Batman: The Animated Series . Season 2. Episode 10 (airdate). Episode 72 (production). FOX Kids.
  8. 8.0 eight.i Dini, Paul (author) & Kirkland, Boyd (director) (September 11, 1992). "Joker'south Favor". Batman: The Animated Serial . Flavor 1. Episode 7 (airdate). Episode 22 (production). Pull a fast one on Kids.
  9. 9.0 9.ane Dini, Paul (writer) & Altieri, Kevin (director) (October xv, 1994). "Harley's Holiday". The Adventures of Batman & Robin . Season 3. Episode half-dozen (airdate). Episode 81 (production). FOX Kids.
  10. Berkowitz, Stan, McDuffie, Dwayne (writers) & Lukic, Butch (managing director) (December vi, 2003). "Wild Cards, Role 2". Justice League . Flavor ii. Episode 22 (airdate). Episode 49 (product). Cartoon Network.
  11. Goodman, Robert (writer) & Riba, Dan (director) (January 31, 1999). "Blackness Out". Batman Beyond . Flavor 1. Episode 3 (airdate). Episode 3 (production). Kids WB!.
  12. Dini, Paul (writer) & Timm, Bruce W. (director) (February 1, 1993). "The Man Who Killed Batman". Batman: The Blithe Series . Season 1. Episode 49 (airdate). Episode 51 (product). FOX Kids.
  13. Dini, Paul (writer) & Riba, Dan (managing director) (February 21, 1998). "Joker'southward Millions". The New Batman Adventures . Episode 7 (airdate). Episode 7 (production). Season 1. Kids WB!.

External links

Batman the Animated Series Harley Quinn Wiki

